privacy policy
1. When to provide personal information
Our company respects the personal information provided by our customers on our website (http://www.n-komatu.co.jp/) and strives to protect your privacy. Here we explain our policy regarding the handling of customers' personal information. Please understand the following policy before using our website.
2. How to use personal information
When you visit our website, you generally do not need to provide your personal information, such as your address or name. However, our website includes pages for giveaways, bulletin board corners, surveys, e-mail magazine distribution services, etc., and we may ask for your personal information on these pages. In that case, please provide information to the extent necessary.
3. Management and protection of personal information
If you provide us with personal information, we may contact you by email or other means. However, if you do not wish to receive this information, please contact us and we will stop the distribution of this information. When handling personal information of our customers, we appropriately manage it internally and at our outsourcing partners.
We strive to protect your personal information by implementing appropriate and reasonable level of security measures not only to prevent leakage, but also to prevent risks such as unauthorized access from outside. Additionally, in order to enhance our services, we may operate giveaways, bulletin board corners, questionnaires, e-mail magazine distribution services, etc. on our website.
In such cases, we and our subcontractors implement appropriate management to prevent the leakage or unauthorized access of customers' personal information.
4. Disclosure of personal information
Our company will not disclose your personal information to third parties other than subcontractors without your consent. However, personal information may be disclosed without the customer's consent if disclosure is required by law or by a public institution such as a court or police.
5. Others
Regarding the handling of customers' personal information, we will review and improve the contents of each section above as appropriate.